The Owen News receives Large Impact Grant

Hannah Amos


Hannah Amos

June 3, 2024

The Owen News receives Large Impact Grant

To continue their work in the Owen County community, The Owen News was awarded a Large Impact Grant of $30,000 from the Owen County Community Foundation (OCCF).

Nicole DeCriscio, The Owen News Board President, said the grant will allow the nonprofit paper to continue to print monthly without financial stress, while also providing time for the paper to strengthen community bonds with advertisers to a sustainable point through to 2025.

"The financial support provided by the OCCF allows The Owen News to continue to report verified local information and is a catalyst for a re-energized local economy due to a reformation of a common community spirit," Tom Wallace, OCCF Board Chairperson, said via email.

Another aspect of the grant will be budgeted to help pay some correspondents, DeCriscio said.

The correspondents and reporters of The Owen News are volunteers, along with having a journalism advisory board that is a resource and helps train volunteer correspondents.

"Our model is different, and it takes time to not only share and explain that model with people, but to also make the community used to it, and especially, in a landscape where there has been a lack of local news for almost two years," she said.

This unique model of The Owen News is what stood out to OCCF, and is a part of the organization being awarded the grant. 

"Led by their distinguished board of directors and an independent journalism advisory board, they developed a marketing and sustainability plan, researched how other communities are rebuilding local news and trained citizen journalists," Janet Rummel, OCCF President and CEO, said via email. "Helping to build a local news outlet that has the trust of our community may be one of the Community Foundation’s most impactful grants in recent years." 

The Owen News Board describes the work on the model as "building the ship as [they're] sailing." The board works to continuously learn and grow in delivering quality news to the Owen County community.

"I could go on for days about what happens to a community when you lose news, and when I say news, I mean quality, local news," DeCriscio said. "Communities become more divided and no longer have a sense of community as a whole but then, statistically, local news is vital to the economic success of an area and impacts everything financially." 

With this grant, the board hopes to instill and gain more trust in the Owen County community.

Along with this grant, the nonprofit news organization receives funds to improve and grow from at-will donations, which keeps the paper free for pick-up. Donations can be made through the OCCF to either a long-term endowment fund or a fund that The Owen News has immediate access to, online at or via mail at 114 S. Main St., Spencer, Indiana 47460.

OCCF also granted La Campagne Ministries a $30,000 Large Impact Grant to prepare their facility for the launch of the Boys and Girls Club in Owen County. More information about this grant and the Boys and Girls Club will be highlighted in an upcoming story.

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Commissioners reorganize, hire new county attorney

Commissioners reorganize, hire new county attorney

Two of the three Owen County Commissioners are new to their positions. Those new commissioners are former sheriff Sam Hobbs and David Risk.

In fact, the only commissioner who isn’t new to the position is Gary Burton, the board's former president. 

At the beginning of the commissioners’ first meeting of 2025, held on Jan. 9, Hobbs was unanimously elected president of the board, and Risk was unanimously elected vice president. 

Immediately following the reorganization, Hobbs gave a monologue about what can be expected from the board moving forward.

“It’s going to be kind of a lengthy meeting. We got a lot to go through. I’m not here to upset the apple cart with anybody, but I’m going to. It’s just the nature of the beast,” Hobbs began. “I base my faith off of God being in control because He is. We’re just here to do His will and try to make the best of a community that is falling apart.”

After sharing his long-standing attendance at these sorts of public meetings, Hobbs commented on a trend.

“The thing that I’ve seen in the last several years of coming to the meetings and stuff like that is the discord and dislike between the employees, whether you’re elected or appointed or whatever, has turned into a hatred. And it’s going to end. The reason I say that is we’re a team here together,” Hobbs said. “We were elected to serve the people and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. The people have a voice. You’re taxpayers. You’ll have a voice in every commissioners’ meeting. That’s only right. I expect your ideas, your vision, your goals and your solutions to some of the problems that we have.”

Hobbs then quoted Proverbs 23:19.

“This county is going to have a vision for everybody, not just for self-centered seeking thumb-sucking selfish people. I won’t tolerate it. I won’t tolerate rude behavior from nobody,” Hobbs said. “I’m in no way here to tell anybody to pack up and get going. If you’re not doing your job that’s required of you, there’s going to be a problem.”

Hobbs then said that employees are the county’s biggest liability and the county’s biggest asset.

“We’re going to work together as a team,” he said.

He then reiterated that the commissioners do not have any authority over other elected officials. He also said that commissioners should allow for autonomy and leadership from the county’s department heads saying they have a business to run. 

Hobbs was clear that department heads could and should ask for guidance and help from the commissioners when needed and said the commissioners will not interfere unless asked or unless there is an issue. 

“I’m new at this part [being a commissioner], but I’m not new at being around here. I’ve seen how some people have been treated and mistreated, and rest assured of one thing. That’s coming to an end, like real soon,” Hobbs said.

Then, instead of making the usual first meeting of the year liaison appointments, Hobbs announced that those appointments would not be made until February. He cited a “legal problem” but did not go into details. 

“There’s some things facing this county that is going to be revealed in the next 30 to 60 days that could change the whole outlook on certain things,” he said. 

One and only one liaison appointment was made, and that was for Risk to serve as the liaison for the highway department. 

“Gary cannot do that because his wife works there,” Hobbs said. 

Until appointments are made in February, Hobbs said that he would serve as the liaison for the auditor’s office and appointed department heads. He noted that elected officials can go to any of the commissioners that they want.

The commissioners then began with the routine business of approving the meeting minutes and claims. 

In both this meeting and the Jan. 23 meeting, the commissioners addressed the extensive and inappropriate amount of out-of-cycle claims. 

The board then went on to new business.

“This is where the rubber is going to meet the road for some of you,” Hobbs said, adding that it was unfortunate that not everything was going to be good news.

The first matter that was addressed was the contract with Dana Kerr for his services as county attorney.

“We’ve been through this for a couple of months. The current attorney is not here today. He is sick. We wish him the best in his recovery,” Hobbs began. “Dana is not here today, but we have to proceed with business. This has been discussed briefly in a couple commissioners meetings. The contract that the current attorney has is on a week-to-week basis at the moment.”

“Mr. Kerr’s last day will be Jan. 31. I’m not going to sit here and bad mouth him, run him down or anything like that. He did what he did and done what he’s done for what he thought was right. He’s an attorney. I do feel and I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Kerr was led down a couple roads that he shouldn’t have had to go down. That’s my two cents worth. I think if Mr. Kerr had things to do over again, they would be done different. Again, this is my opinion.”

With that, Hobbs moved to relieve Kerr of his duties as county attorney as of Jan. 31. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 

“This is not the end of this story,” Hobbs said. 

After allowing him to introduce himself, the commissioners hired Tony Overholt from Frost Brown Todd Attorneys in Indianapolis. Overholt has served as the attorney for the county council. The commissioners hired Overholt, who has been an attorney for 30 years, for six months. Overholt has experience representing local government. 

Overholt will be paid between $350 and $375 per hour. 

There is $160,000 budgeted for the county attorney. Under Kerr’s extended 2022 contract that served from week to week until the end of January, approximately $13,000 would have been spent from the $160,000 budgeted for county legal expenses. 

The council separately has budgeted approximately $40,000 for their legal expenses, as Kerr did not represent the council.

At the high end of Overholt’s rate, the county commissioners would have a total of 392 hours before exceeding the appropriation. This translates to a weekly average of roughly 7.5 hours per week without going to the county council for an additional appropriation. 

During the approximately four-hour first meeting, the commissioners also: 

  • Worked toward getting a county human resources officer. It was noted that the county attorney should not serve as the HR person. It was also noted that a proposal to fund such a position had not previously been brought before the county council, according to council president Polly Chesser. Hobbs said the goal would be to take insurance responsibilities away from the auditor’s office and to remove drug testing for county employees from the health clinic run by the county health department.
  • Discussed and accepted the resignation of the 911 dispatch director, Cherie Anderson. Anderson was not present at the meeting.
  • Removed the blue line in the commissioners room that was previously placed to restrict the public from approaching the area where elected officials sit.
  • Overturned a previous ordinance dealing with the 911 advisory board to restore it to what it was prior to the ordinance passed in 2024. “The 911 advisory board was basically taken out of any decision-making that involved the 911 dispatch center, other than policies and procedures,” Hobbs said. Burton said he believed it was just the financial side. EMA Director Jack White said that members of the board were not asked for input when that change was made.
  • Moved the county maintenance department back to the armory and moved EMA to the previous office location on the Washington Street side of the brick building on the corner of Market and Washington Streets. This is instead of the front of the same building, which is where Jack White had been moved to.
  • Addressed an issue concerning the Veterans Service Officer vehicle. Risk asked about the vehicle for the VSO, and VSO Dennis Bucy said they have a 2001 brown van and that they previously also had a 2005 Ford Explorer. The Ford Explorer was purchased, at least in part, through donations from veterans. “I won’t tolerate our veterans being disrespected,” Risk said. He moved to return the Ford Explorer back to the VSO immediately. Hobbs seconded the motion and asked where the vehicle was, and it was said that it was with the county building department. Suzanne Simmerman from the building department said that it was sitting on the empty lot with everything out of it. Hobbs asked when that happened, and Simmerman said at the beginning of the year. Burton said the building department vehicle broke down and he had asked Bucy if he needed both vehicles. At the time, Bucy did not have a driver to transport veterans. This was in May of 2024. “We didn’t know it was donated by, the money was donated by veterans. Had no idea,” Burton said. Simmerman said the building department vehicle was fixed in September or October. 

The commissioners also held a joint meeting with the Owen County Council on Jan. 23. A story on that meeting will be made available soon on The Owen News website, The commissioners met again yesterday, Feb. 6, and they will meet again at 6 p.m. on Feb. 20 in the second-floor Commissioners Room of the Owen County Courthouse, 60 S. Main St., Spencer.

Owen County Community Foundation launches 31st anniversary  $1 for $1 match campaign

Owen County Community Foundation launches 31st anniversary $1 for $1 match campaign

In celebration of its 31st anniversary, the Owen County Community Foundation (OCCF) is thrilled to announce the return of the $1 for $1 Anniversary Match Campaign, building on the incredible success of last year’s 30th anniversary event. 

In 2024, nearly $200,000 was raised to support local nonprofits serving Owen County. This year, OCCF invites donors and nonprofits to make an even greater impact.

Running from Feb. 1 through Feb. 28, this match campaign offers a $1 for $1 match for donations made to Agency and Designated funds established at OCCF. These funds specifically support the work of nonprofits serving Owen County, providing them with both immediate resources and long-term sustainability.

“Spencer Main Street, Inc., took a big step forward in 2024 by establishing an agency fund with ‘our’ Owen County Community Foundation,” Julie Coffin, President of Spencer Main Street, Inc. said. “I think we don’t even realize yet how this strengthens our organization in terms of keeping us sustainable and giving us longevity. And those are vital qualities to have because we intend to keep working to make sure that Historic Downtown Spencer continues to be the heart and center of our community for another 205 years. The first word of our mission statement is ‘collaboration,’ and we are so grateful for OCCF’s support and collaboration as we all go forward!”

How the Match Works
For every dollar donated to an eligible fund, OCCF will provide a matching gift, which is designed to strengthen nonprofits in two ways:

  • 60 percent of OCCF’s match will go into the fund’s permanent endowment, ensuring sustainable, ongoing support for the organization.
  • 40 percent of the match will be immediately available to address pressing needs or launch new initiatives.

This model allows nonprofits to meet immediate needs while building a stable financial foundation for the future.Participating Funds
Only Agency and Designated funds are eligible for the match. These funds support a wide range of causes, including youth development, historic preservation, animal welfare, community health, and more. A full list of participating funds is available on the OCCF website or by contacting the OCCF office directly. As of Feb. 5, the following funds were included in the matching campaign:

  • Area 10 Agency on Aging
  • Bennie J & Joan R. Woodruff Methodist Church Fund
  • Bonness Family Fund
  • Boys & Girls Club of Owen County Fund
  • Braysville Homemakers Fund
  • Carolina Cemetery Fund
  • Cataract Volunteer Fire Department Fund
  • Economic Development Fund - Owen County Chamber of Commerce & EDC
  • Flona Everly Query Memorial Fund - Vandalia Preservation Association
  • Freedom Community Center Fund
  • Garrard Chapel Church & Food Pantry Fund
  • Gosport History Museum Fund
  • Irene & Arthur Kelley Beech Cemetery Fund
  • Irene & Arthur Kelley Patricksburg Lutheran Cemetery Fund
  • Jim Vance Owen County YMCA Fund
  • Jark R. & Marilyn K. DeFord Library Fund
  • JMF Drescher Fund
  • J. Welch Wampler Fund - Ferry Bridge Maintenance
  • La Campagne Ministries Fund
  • Lloyd H. & Rosalie E. Lucas 4-H & FFA Fund
  • Mark of Discipleship Fund
  • McCormick’s Creek State Park Fund
  • MyPath Fund
  • New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center Fund
  • OCCF HR Fund
  • O’Connor Family Fund - Summerfield Health Center
  • Olive Hill Cemetery Fund
  • Owen County 4-H Council Fund
  • Owen County 4-H Livestock Fund
  • Owen County CASA Office Fund
  • Owen County Garden Club Fund
  • Owen County Humane Society Fund
  • Owen County Ministerial Fund
  • Owen County Preservation Fund
  • Owen County S.O.U.N.D.S. Fund
  • Owen Valley Alumni Association Fund
  • Owen Valley Band Boosters Fund
  • Owen Valley Jr ROTC Fund
  • Palmer’s Pawsitively Powerful Animals of Owen County Fund
  • Riverside Cemetery Fund
  • Senior Friends of Owen County Fund
  • Spencer Main Street Fund
  • Spencer Pride Fund
  • St. Jude Catholic Church Fund
  • The Owen News Endowment Fund
  • Tivoli Theatre Endowment Fund
  • Visionary Fund
  • White Cemetery Fund
  • William Donald & Maxine Wells - Fiscus Cemetery Fund
  • Winters & Shouse Cemeteries Fund
  • YMCA Legacy Fund

How to Donate
Organizations can accept donations in the following ways:

  1. Online Donations: Donors can contribute directly to their favorite fund online during the match period at

  2. Mailed Donations: Donations sent via mail must be postmarked between now and Feb. 28 to qualify for the match. Donors should list the fund name in the check memo. 

Join Us in Building a Brighter Future“The success of last year’s 30th Anniversary Match Campaign was a testament to the generosity and commitment of our community,” Karah Bobeck, OCCF’s Programs and Communications Director said. “We’re excited to offer this opportunity again and look forward to seeing the incredible impact it will have for Owen County nonprofits.”Nonprofits interested in participating in this campaign and establishing a fund at the OCCF, should contact the OCCF’s office at 812-829-1725.

Fire destroys Gosport home

Fire destroys Gosport home

A Gosport home was destroyed by a fast-moving fire that broke out around 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24.

The first wave of firefighters and emergency personnel arrived on the scene a short time later to find heavy smoke billowing from the roof and flames engulfing the front porch of the home at 246 E. South St.

Homeowner Bryan Rogers was at home when the fire broke out and was reportedly unharmed, declining medical treatment at the scene from the Owen County Emergency Medical Service.

The American Red Cross was later contacted to help meet Rogers’ immediate emergency needs.

According to the Gosport Volunteer Fire Department, a cause for the fire was undetermined.

Firefighters estimated around 30,000 gallons of water was used to battle the morning blaze.

The Gosport VFD received mutual aid from the Owen Valley Fire Territory, Bean Blossom Township-Stinesville VFD, Owen County Sheriff’s Department and the Owen County EMS.

Fire personnel were called back to the scene around 12:30 p.m. where they were able to quickly squelch the rekindled debris at the home, located on the southwest corner of East South and South Second streets.